Posted on under Tips by Owen Conti.
Posted on under Life by Owen Conti.
We can all do a little better. Here's some areas I've noticed lately.
Posted on under Life by Owen Conti.
Stripped Allen bolts can be a real pain to remove. Here's how I used a torx bit to remove a stripped Allen bolt.
Posted on under Laravel by Owen Conti.
Setting up HTTPS for your local Laravel development environment is easier than you may think.
Posted on under Devops by Owen Conti.
"Query execution was interrupted" can sometimes be solved by increasing the storage size of your database.
Posted on under Tips by Owen Conti.
I've recently started using Alfred again as my global command palette on my machine. In this article, I'll go over a list of some of the workflows I use on a daily basis, and how they work.
Posted on under Devops by Owen Conti.
Here's a one line command you can use to copy a Heroku Postgres database backup to a database in another environment.
Posted on under Tips by Owen Conti.
Calenderio saves me time every day by automatically syncing my events and reconciling my calendars for me.
Posted on under Vue by Owen Conti.
Here's a quick way you can support persistent layouts with Vue 3's setup
script syntax.
Posted on under Vue by Owen Conti.
Forwarding refs when using <script setup> in Vue 3 is a bit tricky due to some magic happening behind the scenes
Posted on under Cloudflare by Owen Conti.
By default, Cloudflare's Durable Objects are not inherited across environments, here's how you can fix it.
Posted on under Devops by Owen Conti.
Here's two quick commands you can use to copy Heroku environment variables across projects using the Heroku CLI.
Posted on under Laravel by Owen Conti.
CRUD-based naming for web applications works, but there's a better way using Single Action Controllers and VerbSubjectType naming patterns.
Posted on under Laravel by Owen Conti.
Laravel's default setup prevents Cloudflare from caching HTML responses.
Posted on under Laravel by Owen Conti.
Laravel's logging system makes it very easy to system notifications to your company's Slack channel.
Posted on under Devops by Owen Conti.
Here's a quick copy/paste snippet you can use to create a reverse proxy server in Cloudflare.
Posted on under Laravel by Owen Conti.
Here's a small trait you can use to access "temporary" relationships in Laravel.
Posted on under Laravel by Owen Conti.
Laravel doesn't have a whereHasAll
method built in, but here's how you can replicate it yourself.
Posted on under Laravel by Owen Conti.
If you've recently started running into an issue with MySQL on GitHub Actions, you may need to update your MYSQL_USER variable.
Posted on under Laravel by Owen Conti.
In this guide, we'll replace Laravel Mix with Vite in a Laravel Jetstream (Inertia/Vue) application.