Owen Conti

Goals for 2021

Posted on under Thoughts by Owen Conti.

Taking a new approach to goal setting in 2021 by making my goals public, high level, and planned out.

Adding Stripe Checkout and Customer Portal to your Laravel application

Posted on under Laravel by Owen Conti.

Learn how to add Stripe's Checkout and Customer Portal products to your Laravel application using Laravel Cashier.

Why You Should be Using React Context More Often

Posted on under React by Owen Conti.

React Context can be more than just global state in an app. I like to think of Context as "encapsulated state".

Validating Props in Vue

Posted on under Vue by Owen Conti.

Use Vue's built-in prop validators to validate your component's props.

Storing and testing encrypted values in Laravel

Posted on under Laravel by Owen Conti.

A couple of open source packages makes storing and testing encrypted database values in Laravel a breeze.

Supporting Dark Mode with SVG Favicons

Posted on under CSS by Owen Conti.

SVG favicons allow you to invert your favicon's color scheme for users that are using dark mode.

MySQL General Log

Posted on under MySQL by Owen Conti.

Let's run through how you can setup and configure the MySQL general log.

Force PHP version during GitHub Actions job

Posted on under Devops by Owen Conti.

GitHub has a set of pre-installed packages with the default containers it provides. Learn how you can override the default PHP version.

How to fix "cannot declare class because the name is already in use" error in Laravel/PHP

Posted on under Laravel by Owen Conti.

This error can happen when you have two of the same class names declared in the same namespace.

Fixing Duplicate ID Errors with typeorm-factory

Posted on under TypeScript by Owen Conti.

You need to pay close attention when creating factories with typeorm-factory.

Building a Search Drop Down Component with Laravel Livewire

Posted on under Laravel by Owen Conti.

Follow along as we build a drop down component with Caleb Porzio's Laravel Livewire.

Connecting to ElastiCache with Laravel when using Encryption In-Transit

Posted on under Laravel by Owen Conti.

If you're using ElastiCache with the Encryption In-Transit setting turned on, you'll need to tweak your REDIS_HOST environment variable when connecting with Laravel

Using GitHub's Gists for embedded code blocks on your Statamic v3 site

Posted on under Statamic by Owen Conti.

You can use GitHub's Gists to embed your code blocks via the Oh See Gists add-on.

How to Fix PHPUnit Splitting Dots onto New Lines

Posted on under PHP by Owen Conti.

Quick tip on how you can fix PHPUnit from splitting test output onto new lines.

Improve the Performance of Laravel Feature Tests using MySQL Instead of SQLite or Memory Databases

Posted on under Laravel by Owen Conti.

Many people use an in-memory SQLite database when running their Laravel feature tests. If you're doing this, chances are you can improve the runtime of your Laravel test suite.

Calling Laravel Seeders from Migrations

Posted on under Laravel by Owen Conti.

Calling seeders from migrations allows you to ensure data referenced by code always exists in your database.

Faking the Queue in Laravel Tests

Posted on under Laravel by Owen Conti.

Here's a quick package you can use to fake the Queue for a specific set of lines in a Laravel test.

Setting Up Dynamic HTTP Redirects with Statamic v3

Posted on under Statamic by Owen Conti.

You can use Statamic's redirect tag plus a custom blueprint to setup dynamic HTTP redirects on your Statamic website.

Using Aliases in Composer to Update Dependencies without a Fork

Posted on under PHP by Owen Conti.

One of the major pain points of updating dependencies is the strict version requirements developers place on their packages.

Using Static HTTP Redirects in Statamic v3

Posted on under Statamic by Owen Conti.

Statamic includes a built-in mechanism for setting up 301 and 302 HTTP redirects.